V0.9 known bugs

Hey everyone,

We wanted to share a few quirky bugs that have come up and let you know that we’re working on fixing them in the next update. Here’s what you might have noticed:

  1. Jump Glitch:
    • You can jump... sort of. If you hit the ground just right before hitting the fall collider, you can get a little jump. Not something we planned, but hey, surprise parkour!
  2. Ragdoll Collider Issue:
    • When you hit the fall collider, it’s possible to ragdoll back onto the platform if you land just right. Ragdolling was intended, but this acrobatic trick wasn’t. You’re supposed to fall down, not bounce back!
  3. Volume Sensitivity:
    • There’s an option to set "volume sensitivity." Yes, that’s a thing. It was supposed to be just volume, but it was late at night when I wrote it...

We’re on it, and these will be sorted in the next update. Thanks for your patience and for having fun with the game, quirks and all!

Cheers, The Dev Team


KENSHI v0.9.zip 30 MB
4 days ago
KENSHI LINUX v0.9.zip 48 MB
4 days ago


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